Friday 5 March 2010

The Hold Steady - Boys & Girls in America

From a band that seems to often bitterly divide opinions, Boys & Girls in America is, to me at least, one hell of a record. Channelling the spirit of Springsteen and cataloguing the booze soaked highs and drug addled lows of life in the fast lanes and slow gutters, this is American rock at it's very finest. Yes, Craig Finn's voice is odd, but it's also fantastic - and yes, they are all in their mid 30's and largely look like a collection of extras from a magic show - but that's part of their innate charm in an age of such staggeringly self consciousness and bullshit 'irony'. 

Listening to this album is like having your favourite crazy uncle come round with a six pack and a cheeky reefer to talk about the ridiculous stuff he used to get up to when he was young and stupid. It's exhilarating, life affirming stuff through and through. There is a wealth of talent in this record, and the more you listen to these Brooklyn boys the more you'll get out of it, I promise.

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