Wednesday 30 December 2009

Benedictum - Uncreation

Holy crap, what a stonking great album this is - absolutely one of my best finds of the year. This is pure, unadulterated audio dynamite!

LA based power metal five piece Benedictum really have to be heard to be believed. Powered by female front Veronica Freeman, I was immediately blown away by her voice, which really is impressive, both because of its shear force, but also due to her vast range. Impressive technical guitar work, topped off with some excellent production, means this album is a real gem. 

Classic metal never sounded so good and so contemporary.


Wednesday 23 December 2009


So, having failed to do anything really constructive with this new blog since I started it in May, I'm going to give it a kick in the butt and try to actually do something with the damn thing.

Keep your eyes peeled for music related postings soon...